i got a bulk/forward email today. i have fairly high standards for this kind of thing and i always make sure that it will be worthwhile to spend my time looking at it before i open it. i checked, it was. but one must seek some kind of confirmation that the "hilarious" or "Unbelievable!!" email is actually hilarious or difficult to believe. sometimes one gets duped by opening some bullshit with an asymmetrical angel crafted out of type-symbols that are usually reserved for pretend swearing. granted, the angel is there to bring luck in love and fortune, but i remain a skeptic and i would really prefer to NOT scroll for 4 minutes in order to find the misguided blessing.
today's message did not disappoint. it was a collection of actual family portraits from olan mills. i don't know how the author acquired said photos, but i don' t care. they were damn funny. and came complete with commentary. a few in particular caused some curiosity for me...
what the fuck kind of weirdness is this? i really need an explanation. so if the aging backstreet boy or young powder is out there somewhere, please come along and tell us what the fuck you were thinking. of course, in the meantime, i can spend a great deal of time inventing explanations for this freakshow. they would be fascinating, i am sure. and they would be exceedingly disturbing. so, for now, i am just going to assume that this photo was taken because one of the two chaps in this pose lost a bet of some kind. but why punish the girl?
additionally... all of the olan mills portraits i had to pose for were snapped in the small stuffy multi-use room at my childhood church. i would be eternally delighted if this were a family portrait for church.