Tuesday, October 04, 2005


WTF? i know essentially nothing of this blogging world, but here is something that freakin' pisses me off...my blog entries get spammed?! how is this an acceptable idea? i come here to rant and rave about all of the things that piss me off in my life and the world, and some bastard sends me some shit about "work from home" or "new industry, make money!" i would smack these people right in their faces if i could. (and i am a pacifist!) yesterday, on a new blog i started to specifically pout and complain about being so desperately poor it is causing a genuine mental break, i posted my first entry (sad sad sad, it was) and i immediately got spammed by some jack-slap who wanted to suggest that the answer to my financtial freedom lies in working from home as she does. i don't know if anyone is reading this, or if anyone who is reading this is as indebted as i am, but if you are then you know that there is nothing quite so offensive as some random acting as though there is a simple, logical solution to the dilemma that has kept me awake at night for years. god, people piss me off! incidentally, a lot of god-people piss me off as well, but that is a whole different entry, i just had to mention it because the previous sentence suggested it and reminded me of it.
off to look for a utopia...


Blogger Sara said...

Yes, Shelly...I understand the blog spammer thing. It is terrible. However, there is a way to stop it. You must go into your blogger, click on your blog as if you are going to write a new post, but instead of clicking on POSTINGS, click on SETTINGS tab.

Then, choose the option "COMMENTS". There is an option that says something like "Use word verification"...choose YES because this will limit the spam because it takes actual people to type in the word verification not just a random thing. So try that. It helped my blog with stupid spam.

Also, I am so glad that you are blogging. You are too clever and smart not to put your ideas out into this blogging world.

3:08 PM, October 04, 2005  
Blogger Troy said...

I'm would be way, way more excited to post a comment if you hadn't been such a nasty bitch when I made a mistake. Yeah, blogging totally rocks (note dripping sarcasm)!

12:41 AM, October 05, 2005  
Blogger Troy said...

Of course, when I leave a message to be a dick, I have a grammatical error!

12:44 AM, October 05, 2005  

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