Sunday, July 08, 2007

Karol Griffin

contrary to everything that one might expect from me, i did attend and participate in the jackson hole writers conference. as a spy, mostly, of course. just standing quietly on the sidelines watching and listening. my standard MO when i am new to something and don't want to make too much of an ass of myself. it was a fantastic experience as i knew it would be. and yes, i know that i have to toss out some propers to sara and kim and phil and kathy and judy for making me go.

i went to jackson hole with anxiety and embarrassment and no idea how i was going to handle any of the critiques or conversations with other writers... i left jackson hole with a great deal more excitement and confidence and a lot of information and, most importantly, a new best friend. Karol Griffin is one of my favorite people i have ever met. we got along famously from the first moments of conversation and she seems to be under the misguided impression that there is something about me that is interesting. i am choosing not to correct that perception-- i want her to keep talking to me. little ol' me. Karol wrote a beautiful and witty memoir called Skin Deep which every person who reads this must go out and buy. i say this in part because i think every person in general should read it, and in part because i know all three people who read this blog, and all of you would love this book. so read it.

it is difficult to adjust to being back in my weird life of coffee and beer and the occasional opportunity to jot down a thought or two. but it is good to return to my life with some new energy and hope for a more directed future. i have plans now. plans. how weird is that? i have never lived by things like budgets and plans, but as we have seen, this is not a very effective way of ordering one's life, so i think i'll try it the grown up way. i think i'm ready.


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