Thursday, September 21, 2006

black-eyed spree

in 8 days i am going to a black-eyed peas concert. i am very excited about this and i am learning a lot about myself as the concert date draws nearer. i am, as i may have mentioned before, 31 years old. some of the youngsters in my life apparently believe that this automatically excludes me from membership in the hip-hop appreciation club, but that is neither here nor there. soon they will discover that in a lot of ways, 31 doesn't feel all that different from 17. (this is a fantastic accidental segue) as the concert date approaches i find myself in a bit of a preparation panic. i am like a 19 year old about to go to her first dance club after meeting someone at a coffee shop who is on the VIP list for centro-fly. i must find an outfit to wear. i can't possibly just go to a concert in something i already own. why? i have no fucking idea why. it just feels wrong. what kind of outfit, one might be wondering... i have no fucking idea. i don't know what this outfit will look like, what i am looking for or where i will begin to shop for it, but i know that i need one. as i picture it in my head, it will probably be a tad sluttier than my standard attire. but how does one determine the appropriate clothing combination? does one model the attire after the genre and presentation on the stage? should i mimic the clothing selections of one miss fergie-ferg? that would be fun. and out of character, but only a little. (does this mean that last december when i attended the bette midler concert with my then mother-in-law i should have been dressed as a mermaid?) i also decided some time last week that i must get my hair trimmed and do some highlight maintenance before i go. why? i still don't know. it all just matters. so i will be spending a bunch of my new-found tip wealth on some clothes i will rarely wear and a hair job that i desperately need anyway, so that's good. i also recently purchased a 6 month indoor tanning package and have been drawn once again to the racks of fitness attire at my local discount department stores. what does all this mean!?!?

{roll end credits... fade in "You're So Vain"...}



Blogger Megan said...

I am 21 (22 in two months) and I don't think 31 is old at all.
I have a friend who partied with all the members of the black eyed peas once, she said they were really cool. She busted a move with Fergie and said her body was ever better in person than it appeared to be on tv.
Have fun at your concert. I say that you should dress in something that you'll be able to move around in (for when you're overcome with a need to dance). That way you won't feel restricted.

12:44 AM, September 22, 2006  

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