Friday, August 25, 2006

movies. i love movies.

how much do we love netflix? it is such a wonderful thing when i return to my home after a long day/night/morning/whatever of work and find the wonder of a promising movie in my mailbox. it's like santa and the easter bunny. but netflix is real. it must be the best idea ever. it seems like stopping at the video store on the way home shouldn't be a major task, but it is. i hate it. mostly because the stores in town only really carry the movies that make trillions of dollars in the box office which pretty much means there is a SNL star or nicole kidman in them. don't get me wrong, nic has done some great things, but i need some variety. some intrigue. some education. some damn subtitles from time to time. so blockbuster is pretty much out of the question. as its name might indicate. also, i almost never have real money and if i do there is a shadow of guilt that looms over me if i spend it on things like the rental of stupid movies that i am sure to hate. with netflix, the deal is sealed. they yank the money right out of my account, i don't feel a thing. and i get thousands of recommendations for movies i would like but in many cases would otherwise never have heard of. netflix f-in' rocks. next week some time i should receive "welcome to the doll house". and i don't have to do a damn thing but turn a key in my mailbox. the baby jesus really does love us.


Blogger Carm said...

Ooohh... I love Netflix and I used to be a Hollywood Video devotee (of course, it may be because I worked there) but I've decided that getting movies I like... any movie... is worth switching. I am currently watching a lot of films from the French New Wave movement... Jean-Luc Godard and Jean-Pierre Melville... LOTS of subtitled goodies

3:24 PM, August 27, 2006  

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