Saturday, July 29, 2006


i think i need another tattoo. it's been almost 5 years, after all. i have only spent a little bit of time thinking about it, but i have an idea or two. i have been considering a lambda symbol but it is hard to find an example of that symbol that is pretty enough to display permanently. i also can't quite decide where i would put this tattoo. i have also long considered an arm band, but i just can't do that because i may need to expose my arms at a time when i need to appear professional in the presence of non-tattooed individuals. they just don't understand. so the arm band is out. as is the biceps tat that i have always believed would inspire me to keep nicely defined upper arms. but i have always avoided it for the above stated reason and because what if i am not inspired enough and i just have a warped tattoo flopping around on a squishy arm. yuck. so basically, all i know is that a tattoo seems like a good idea. beyond that, i got nothin'! any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. unless your suggestion is "don't get another tattoo". then just shut up.


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