Tuesday, June 06, 2006


have you ever noticed that when you feel like shit it starts to seem like everything that happens around you is all about you? if you are sad about something, every song is about that subject. if you are afraid of something, there is a commercial to encourage continued anxiety. if you are just in an all-around kind of funk, every song, every movie, every television show reflects everything that sucks about your current situation.

since my last post, all of my favorite television programs, the most recent indy film from netflix, the songs on the radio, and the
interviews on minnesota public radio have all conspired to mock me with cosmic fucking proportions. the details are unnecessary (and none of your fucking business) but things have been a bit off for the past few weeks and everywhere i turn i am reminded. even the midwestern position mix--which i totally love, by the way. there were a few songs on the disc that i am not terribly familiar with. awesome songs, but it’s not exactly a great day to learn a song about "my barbecue"--to burn all of my dreams that didn’t come true...

does this happen as a result of the natural self-centeredness of sadness? am i making everything reflect the fact that i suck right now? or is it that all forms of media are inherently negative and tragic and depressing and one just becomes more sensitive to it when it mirrors (or mocks!) one’s own experiences? whatever it is, i am ready to be done with all of that. ready for some comedy, please.


Blogger Sara said...

Don't be too glum, Chum.

I take comfort in the BBQ...I get "start anew"...how nice a concept.

I know what you mean though. When one is down, it is hard to get out of it. We get all reflective and curious what the heck is going on in our lives.

8:58 PM, June 08, 2006  
Blogger Carm said...

You and this funk need to part ways... I miss you! It's been ten days certainly enough for some freakin' hilarious stuff to add some levity to life and inspire a blog post or two. Ahhh well, that's what turning 30 does... everything slows down. Just kidding, I didn't notice a thing. Now 33.... ugh.

10:28 AM, June 19, 2006  
Blogger Sara said...

Come out, come out, where ever you are.

9:10 AM, June 20, 2006  
Blogger Carm said...

Hey, Shelly....

Have you seen Art School Confidential or that Al Gore movie yet? I was thinking about taking a trip your way to see one of those films... would you be up for joining me?

7:33 PM, June 22, 2006  

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