Thursday, December 14, 2006

3 ways to reach my last nerve, vol. I

some things just irritate the shit out of me and i can't explain it, i don't claim it is rational and i don't try to defend it. it's just how things are.

when i am talking to someone and also trying to hear them talk to me, and it is obvious that i am unable to hear them, so i politely ask them to repeat what they just said and they repeat themselves at exactly the same volume-- that pisses me off. worse when a conversation is on-going and i have made it clear that i cannot hear them and they just keep saying new things at the same volume, so now i am like 9 sentences behind and losing interest in catching up, but it is clear that i am expected to follow. speak up people! eventually when this mumbling continues incessantly, i begin to wonder if i am not actually supposed to be listening... if in fact the person is mumbling to her/himself. at this point i not only have become irritated that i can't hear what they are saying but now i also feel like a major idiot because i have been obviously trying to eavesdrop on an apparently private "conversation". i hate that.

when i am sitting at a table in public working on my laptop, why do so many people seem to believe so passionately that the content of my screen is pertinent information for their lives? what is more uncomfortable than working on something relatively private/personal and being approached by a person who stares right past me to read, not even just glance at, but to study my computer screen? and so many people don't even bother to try to be subtle about it. there i sit, trying to steal their eye-contact and will them away from my screen, but it never works. and how unfair that if i close the computer or otherwise attempt to physically block their view, i am the one who looks like a weirdo. i am not the one violating personal space and public etiquette, but i look like a spaz if i take issue with it. additionally, should i make any move to disrupt their concentration that just opens up the world of acknowledgement that i know they are doing this and then everyone feels uncomfortable. i hate that.

when people go through their entire day: work, meals, drivetime, conversations, restroom... with that stupid little blackberry or blueberry or boysenberry or whatever the fruityfuck it's called on their ear-- that's just irritating. not unlike the people who leave their headphones on to have a live conversation... i know, most of the time whatever is making the noise that is being piped through those phones is likely muted or turned off, but it doesn't matter. it's just rude. take them off. don't you know that when people are talking to you it is very distracting to see that you have noise making devices directly inserted into your ear canals? we don't know if we should speak up or if all is normal or if you are just nodding along because you are actually listening to Beyonce while we are speaking. the earberry is no different and dramatically more irritating. i don't care who you are, no one is contacted so frequently that it becomes unreasonable to remove the speaker from your ear. and if you are, is it so hard to pull the little bastard out of your pocket and plop it into your ear? and for the record.... earfruit people... it is not acceptable that you should be allowed to act irritated if a live person misconstrues a situation and believes that your words are directed at someone who is actually present. when this happens, you do not get to turn your head and point at your fuckberry with irritation as though i should have been able to see it through your big fat head! take the damn thing off. it is not a fashion accessory. it is a dreadful example of everything that is wrong with social interaction and willingness to exert energy. i hate that.

(ok, i just walked past a techhead gear store... there was a big poster on the that thing actually called a bluetooth? what's the difference? who fucking cares? i still hate it.)


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