Sunday, January 22, 2006


now it is time to talk about adult acne. it is time because i haven't before and i get to make the decisions since i am the person with the password to open the dashboard. normally, if someone were to use a phrase like "adult acne" i would cringe at the unnecessary adjective. like when someone is clearly referring to an encounter between two men and they refer to it as "gay sex". it's two men, just call it sex! we understand the rest! i especially take issue when there is a clear sexist implication in the excess adjective: "lady cop", "woman lawyer", "girls' hockey". i guess "cop" "lawyer" and "hockey" when they stand alone must have facial hair and are more likely to bald in a patterned sort of way. i think i will start using phrases like "man teacher" or "boy honor student". that's funny. anyway, i digress. back to adult acne. the added adjective in this case doesn't bother me because, although it may be true that "acne is acne" just as a lawyer is a lawyer and hockey is hockey, there is something so saddening and aggravating about having acne as an adult that definitely sets it apart from acne as a general concept. when i was a spotted teen, it sucked and i was self-conscious about it, but it was normal and everyone expected it. there were the few, proud, beautiful teens who had perfect skin from birth into adulthood, but let's face it, we hated them and everyone knows they can't really relate to other people's pain because they have never been embarrassed by their appearance. they were robbed of the gift of empathy. most of us had at least a couple of good speckled years. i have now had at least 18 of those years. DAMMIT! how unfair is that!? 18 years of freaking clearasil and sea breeze. that's not right. here's what else isn't right, the shit doesn't even work. i use it every day and the 28 day cycle of acnebursts hasn't freakin' budged. i have had to switch to the generic target brand, the kind that says in tiny print at the bottom: "compare to sea breeze" with a little c in a circle. i could probably have bought a house or two with the amount of money i have spent on trying to contain the skinrage. no wonder i am so poor. perfectly complected people probably have two more houses than i do and i bet they aren't in debt, either! pretty people suck. but only tonight because i have a gross red growth on my right temple and i can feel it as i type this. when it goes away pretty people and the rest of us will be the same again.


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