Sunday, April 09, 2006


i don't know why i gave this post that particular title...i have never been afraid to just say FUCK when something pisses me off.

i was just writing a relatively lengthy post about the movie "walk the line" and other sort of related topics. suddenly, my posting page disappeared. now i am pissed. everything i had written is gone and i just don't have it in me to try to re-create it. so here's the jist:
*i liked the movie
*reese witherspoon's performance was impressive in spite of her rambling flightiness after the oscars
*i continually found myself giving compliments to joaquin phoenix (i.e. who knew joaquin phoenix was such a great actor? i didn't know joaquin phoenix could sing. wow, joaquin phoenix is pretty hot.) lots of compliments even though i really thought his performance was a bit contrived and awkward at times although overall quite impressive. i realized after about 2 hours that i just really like to say "joaquin phoenix". sounds cool. it's like the perfect name.
*now i have to go through a johnny cash phase. i have always liked jc, but i often forget that. now i have to get him on the ipod and sing my heart out about folsom prison and burning rings.


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