Wednesday, December 14, 2005

ouch. damn it.

"shelly! try this! it's awesome!"
"no that doesn't look like the kind of thing i should do."
"come on! it's fun!"
"it looks fun, but i don't think so."

how this conversation went from reasonable resistence to "i think i broke my clavicle" i will never understand. i started out so responsible and so intelligent. but it DID look like fun. and the other kids were doing it. i know, i know, you are going to say, "but shelly, the other kids are at least 15 years younger than you are!" let's not get too involved with all these details, hmm? it was fun to slide down the hill and it looked like even more fun to move over to the part where there was a little jump at the end. the other (less dramatic) jumps had gone alright, how was i to know that this one had scheduled an ER visit for me?

i have been completely honest with my friends and my readers in the past, and there is no reason that should change. as i have always suggested, i don't always make very good choices and some of my choices hurt. this one hurts the most. as it turns out, those ligaments in the shoulder are extremely important. and useful. this is the first time i have tried to type since "the incident". right now i feel like someone is jabbing a hot knife into my shoulder joint. time to stop for a while. i 'll be back when i can take the hydrocodone again.


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